Recordings of Coach Tele-gatherings

Below you will find recordings of periodic coach tele-gatherings held since 2011. The most common format of these call-in events is that 1-2 coaches share how they’ve used the Leadership Agility 360 with a group – either with a management team or as part of a leadership development program. A few have focused on a specific topic, such as marketing or other best practices in the overall 360 process.

The tele-gatherings below are posted in order from most recent backwards:

May 2016 … Upgrades to instrument, new resources for coaches.

2014 November … Ralf Seidel from Detego (German consulting firm) presents 2 group intervention case studies with Q&A. Discussion on a non-evaluative mindset regarding stages/levels and the need to create a safe environment for 360 feedback.

2013 June … Best practices.

2012 July … Best practices.

2012 May … Best practices.

2012 March … Best practices.

2012 February … Best practices.

2011 November … Best practices.

2011 March … Best practices.